Unique radar system
DTU has a long history of developing radar systems and measuring the ice at the poles. Back in 1967, Professor Preben Gudmandsen from DTU and his team made the first radar measurements of the Greenland ice sheet.
Using a specially developed ice sounding radar, they were able to measure the thickness of the ice in the areas where they flew the radar over the ice. The results were essential for further climate research, and since then DTU has further developed radar systems for similar purposes.
“The Polaris radar which we conduct overflights with is a radar developed by DTU with support from ESA. It is unique because it can switch between two different radar modes, which—as far as I know—no other systems are able to do,” says Jørgen Dall.
The first Polaris radar mode is the ice sounding radar, which measures vertically down towards the ice beneath the aircraft, and is used to measure the thickness of the ice. The technology has its roots in Professor Gudmandsen’s measurements of the Greenland ice sheet.
The second mode is the synthetic aperture radar (SAR), which allows researchers to also map areas to either the right or left of the aircraft’s flight path. SAR thus creates detailed images of the surface of the ice.
Because Polaris can switch between the two radar functions, it gives researchers a unique opportunity to measure both the thickness of the ice as well as performing surface mapping on the same flight. In this way, the radar can also measure the so-called crystal orientation fabric (COF), which shows which direction ice crystals in glaciers and ice caps are facing.
When the crystals change direction under pressure, it affects how the ice flows. Therefore, measuring COF is important so that researchers can predict how the ice will flow when temperatures rise, and gain knowledge about which areas should be studied further, for example by means of boreholes.