Data management and Open Access for Horizon Europe grantees 

Data management and Open Access for Horizon Europe grantees 


04. mar 09:00 - 14:00


DTU Meeting center, Building 101, Lyngby campus


DTU Bibliotek



Data management and Open Access for Horizon Europe grantees 

A workshop on data management plans, FAIR data and Open Access  

EU data

DTU Library offers a workshop on how to meet the open science expectations in a Horizon Europe project. We will get you started writing a data management plan and enable you to share data and other research outputs according to the FAIR principles. 

Also, we will help you navigate the Open Access possibilities in accordance with Horizon Europe requirements.

The course is for anyone responsible for, or interested in, research data management and scientific publications arising from Horizon projects i.e., individual grantees, administrative coordinators, data managers and principal investigators. Any researcher interested in these topics can benefit from participating - even without a Horizon grant.

Details about the course will be forwarded one week ahead.

This workshop is run by Jeannette Ekstrøm, Jitka Hansen and Maria Ravnkilde Christensen.

We offer the workshop twice a year.


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