Jalal Kazempour
Professor, Sektionsleder
Institut for Vind og Energisystemer
Bygning 325 Rum 142
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
I am a Full Professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in the Department of Wind and Energy Systems (DTU Wind). Currently, I lead the "Energy Markets and Analytics" (EMA) section, which includes a team of over 10 researchers. I also serve as the Head of Studies for the MSc program in Sustainable Energy Systems, one of DTU’s flagship programs. In addition, I founded and co-organize the DTU PES (Power and Energy Systems) Summer School, which annually attracts PhD students and scholars from both academia and industry worldwide. Furthermore, I am an Associate Editor for Operations Research. My research focuses on developing market-oriented, data-driven approaches to the operation of modern power systems with high share of renewable energy, in coordination with other energy sectors such as hydrogen, natural gas, and district heating. My work intersects multiple fields, including optimization, game theory, control, and machine learning applied to energy systems. The goal of my research is to advance market designs, grid services, and coordination mechanisms that improve the efficiency of integrated energy systems. These innovations aim to surpass current state-of-the-art practices, improving system performance. By leveraging large-scale data, my work will also empower stakeholders to make more informed business, trading, and operational decisions. Personal webpage: https://www.jalalkazempour.com