
Klaus Mosthaf


Klaus Mosthaf

Institut for Miljø- og Ressourceteknologi


Bygning 113 Rum 172

2800 Kgs. Lyngby





Kalk, ler, sprækkede geologier Chlorede opløsningsmidler, pesticider, PFAS Grundvand, stoftransport, modellering

Klaus Mosthaf's current research focuses on developing novel digital tools, numerical models, and improved knowledge to describe and quantify the fate and reactive transport of contaminants in porous environments. A primary objective behind his work is to contribute to the assessment and protection of water and groundwater resources from contamination and to explore sustainable and energy-efficient technologies for screening, monitoring, and remediating groundwater contamination. Another focus is model development for coupled processes and systems (e.g., soil-atmosphere, fractures-matrix, enhanced reductive dechlorination, and aquifer thermal energy storage). He has experience with the properties and fate of different contaminants, such as chlorinated solvents, PFAS, and pesticides, as well as with the transport of solutes and heat in porous and fractured geologies, such as limestones and clayey tills. His work is usually closely linked to laboratory experiments and field data, which enhances the understanding and predictability of mass transfer processes in soil and groundwater environments.