IT service

The Office for IT Service is responsible for the operation and support of DTU’s joint infrastructure and a number of administrative systems.

The office is led by IT Director Mads Henrik Bang and is organized by sections and units:

Office for CIO (OCIO)
Head of Section Rikke Simonsen

IT Application Management (ITAM)
Head of Section Carsten Vejleaa

IT Operations, Products & Service (ITOPS)
Head of Section Helle Roskvist

IT Relations & Portfolio Management (ITRPM)
Head of Section Johan Dyhrberg

Cyber- & information security (CIS)
Head of Section Anders Fosgerau

Director Martin Bech

Director Peter Løngreen

Head of Office Mogens Sandfær

ØSS collaboration
Team leader Peter Olsen

Technical University of Denmark

IT Service
Anker Engelundsvej 1
Building 101A
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Tel. +45 4525 5555
Fax +45 4588 8040
