Fees and tuition

All students wanting to enrol as part-time students under Open University/ single course studies have to pay a participation fee. If you are not a Danish citizen—and if you furthermore come from a non EU/EEA country—you also have to pay a tuition fee.

The tuition fees are as follows:

  • Participation Fee: 1500DKK per ECTS point
  • Tuition fee: 620DKK per ECTS point
  • Special courses: 2,120DKK per ECTS point
  • PhD Courses: 2,120DKK per ECTS point

* Minimum invoicing 5 ECTS (also for courses of 2.5 ECTS) regardless of the course

Participation fee

The participation fee for courses within the Vacant Place Scheme is DKK 1500 per ECTS-point. The number of ECTS-points of each course can be seen in the description of each course in the course catalogue. The total cost of materials varies from course to course. 

PhD courses have a participation fee per ECTS-point. This price is DKK 2120 per ECTS point. Some PhD courses may, however, be priced differently.

Tuition fee will not be added on online courses / E-learning courses.

Part-time master programmes

For the part-time master programmes, the price is made up of a tuition fee and a participation fee. The price will vary from programme to programme.

Please note that the tuition fee is charged course by course for students on the Open University programme, while the fee for part-time master programmes studies is charged per semester.

NB! Also please note that students participating in courses on part-time programmes have to pay for the courses in addition to the tuition fee.


HD-students have to pay the participation fee—even though they can get a credit point transfer as the HD-education is part of the higher educational offer.

Tuition fee for non EU/EEA citizens

If you are not an EU/EEA citizen, you must pay tuition fees at all institutions of higher education in Denmark. Therefore, in addition to the participation fee you have to pay a tuition fee per ECTS-point as well. This price has not yet been announced.

You do not have to pay for tuition if you at the time of application have a:

All other students must pay tuition fees.

What does the tuition fee cover?

The tuition fee covers educational expenses such as courses, academic supervision, exams, counselling and administrative services, etc. Please note that the tuition fees do not cover books, computers, printers, and such.

Students who do not pay on time

Students who do not pay their tuition fees on time are withdrawn from the study administration system and will no longer be able to enrol for courses or examinations. When the outstanding fees have been paid, the student must contact the relevant office for further information.)

NB! Please note that the tuition and participation fees for Open University/single course is non refundable.

Residence permit

If you come from a non-EU/EEA country, and are not a Danish citizen, you must submit a copy of your residence permit. You do not need a residence permit if you wish to register for an on-line course.