Study programme
The standard period of study is four semesters corresponding to a total of 120 ECTS credits with 60 ECTS per year at each university, consisting of three semesters of coursework and a Master's Thesis that is usually written during the fourth semester.
The student must pass 30 ECTS General Competencies plus 30 ECTS Technology Specialization, of which the majority should be taken during the first year. Still, some courses can be transferred to the second year at TUM. All 30 ECTS General Competencies must be passed at DTU.
In the third semester, the students attend courses corresponding to at least 30 ECTS and establish the research project to pursue their Master's thesis. It is required that the selected courses are courses at the Master's or PhD level. Courses are chosen (upon availability/due to changes) from the list of courses given in Annex 1 under "Courses". If it is advantageous for a student to select a course not included in the list of courses, e.g. to support the specific master thesis project, the course must be approved by both the responsible program coordinators at DTU and TUM, and any such course will count as an elective course.
The Master's Thesis (30 ECTS) will be undertaken at TUM in the fourth semester and co-supervised by an academic staff/professor from DTU.
Study plan
As part of their application for the 1:1 MSc programme, students are asked to prepare a study plan which both programme coordinators must approve. The programme coordinators from each institution must approve the study plan for each student involved in the programme.
The study plan follows the guidelines in each of the six tracks shown below:
Track 1: Satellite Geodesy - Gravimetry
1stsemester, Autumn at DTU - ESPE |
2ndsemester, Spring at DTU - ESPE |
And one of the following courses
One of the following courses:
And one of the following courses
3rdsemester, Autumn at TUM -Geodesy and Geoinformation |
4thsemester, Spring at TUM -Geodesy and Geoinformation |
- BGU45031 Gravity Field (6 ECTS)
- BGU57016 Earth System (6 ECTS)
- BGU45029 Seminar Earth System (6 ECTS)
Electives, 12 ECTS, e.g.,
- BGU45025 Selected Topics of Physical Geodesy (3 ECTS)
- BGU57010 Observing and Modeling Global Dynamic Processes (2 ECTS)
- BV450005 Satellite Altimetry and Physical Oceanography (3 ECTS)
- Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)
Track 2: Satellite Geodesy - Navigation
1stsemester, Autumn at DTU - ESPE |
2ndsemester, Spring at DTU - ESPE |
One of the following courses:
And one of the following courses
3rdsemester, Autumn at TUM -ESPACE |
4thsemester, Spring at TUM -ESPACE |
- BGU61034 Precise GNSS (5 ECTS)
- BGU61032 Navigation Labs (5 ECTS)
Electives, 20 ECTS, e.g.,
- BGU57019 Geokinematics and Continental Hydrology (5 ECTS)
- BGU45038 Atmosphere and Ocean (5 ECTS)
Track 3: Rocketry and Aerospace
1stsemester, Autumn at DTU - ESPE |
2ndsemester, Spring at DTU - ESPE |
One of the following courses:
And one of the following courses
3rdsemester, Autumn at TUM -ESPACE |
4thsemester, Spring at TUM -ESPACE |
- ED110113 Rocket Propulsion (5 ECTS)
- ED110086 Space Resources (3 ECTS)
ED110086 Space Exploration (5 ECTS)
- BGU61029 Introduction to Satellite Navigation and Orbit Mechanics (5 ECTS)
- ED11094 Spacecraft Propulsion and Design Challenge (5 ECTS)
Electives (at least 10 ECTS), for example out of the following courses:
- MW0047 Aircraft Design (5 ECTS)
- MW0832 Aircraft Performance (5 ECTS)
- MW1397 Rotorcraft Engineering - Preliminary Design (5 ECTS)
- Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)
Track 4: Physical and Satellite Geodesy
Track 5: Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Track 6: Space Science and Technology
1stsemester, Autumn at TUM -ESPACE |
2ndsemester, Spring at TUM -ESPACE |
Regular study programme (30 ECTS)
Regular study programme (30 ECTS)
3rdsemester, Autumn at DTU - ESPE |
4thsemester, Spring at DTU - ESPE |
Required electives:
10 ECTS from this list of electives:
- Master's Thesis (30 ECTS)
Electives (can be taken in parallel to the Master's Thesis):
Master's thesis
The master's thesis is usually written during the fourth semester of the programme. The thesis will be conducted with co-supervision from both institutions. The thesis supervisor at the institution where the master's thesis work is conducted will act as the primary supervisor and thus be primarily responsible for the student. Local thesis rules will apply.
For DTU students, the thesis must be presented at an oral defence according to the rules and regulations of the university where the master thesis has been conducted, and with the participation of both supervisors via Skype or similar video conference facility.
For DTU students, the master thesis is graded using the 7-point grading scale, with the grade appearing on the Master's degree diploma. According to the Danish rules and regulations on examination, the grade will be determined by the DTU thesis supervisor, the co-supervisor, and an external examiner.
The thesis must be written in English and handed-in in accordance with the rules of the respective home university.
supervisor, and an external examiner.
The thesis must be written in English and handed-in in accordance with the rules of the respective home university.