Jiawei Wang
I chose DTU because it is one of the best universities for engineering in the world. From the webpage of the master programs, I found that DTU has a lot of interesting courses and an international education environment so I decided to try a new study life here. I have just finished my master study in 2016 and continued as PhD here.
As the webpage said, there is a high flexibility of choosing courses that interest you and that is also what I have experienced and benefited from. During the teamwork in each course, I have learned that sharing and collaboration are of great importance to do a project efficiently. Moreover, DTU also encourages students to study abroad even with a scholarship. My exchange study made me experience a colorful life and a different education style. Lastly, the strong connection between DTU and industries offer good opportunities for master students to join in an ongoing research project and solve a real-life problem.
The two-year master study gives me not only academic knowledge during research but also practical skills as an engineer. These help me with a strong background for my current PhD studies.