Curriculum for Bioinformatics

Programme provision

To obtain the MSc degree in Bioinformatics students must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Have passed Polytechnical foundation courses adding up to at least 10 ECTS
  • Have passed Programme-specific courses adding up to at least 50 ECTS
  • Have performed a Master Thesis of 30 ECTS points within the field of the general program
  • Have passed a sufficient number of Elective courses to bring the total number of ECTS of the entire study to 120 ECTS


Polytechnical foundation courses (10 ECTS)

The following courses are mandatory: 

12100 Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point F7 (Tues 18-22)
12106 Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point Autumn E3B (Fri 13-17)
12105 Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point E7 (Tues 18-22)
12101 Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point Spring F3B (Fri 13-17)
42500 Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point January
42504 Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point August
42501 Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point June

Students with advanced innovation competences may take one of the following courses as an alternative to 42500/42501/42504:

42502 Facilitating Innovation in Multidisciplinary Teams 5 point January
42505 Facilitating Innovation in Multidisciplinary Teams 5 point August
42503 Facilitating Innovation in Multidisciplinary Teams 5 point June

Programme specific courses (50 ECTS)

Innovation course II - choose 5 ECTS among the following courses or from the iGEM or BBiP programs (see below for details):: 

22179 Module 3: Value creation in pharma- and biotechnology 5 point January and June
22231 Module 1: From idea to project plan in biotech and pharmaceutical research 5 point Autumn E4B (Fri 8-12) and Autumn E3B (Fri 13-17)
23531 Entrepreneurship in food and bio engineering 5 point August
38103 X-Tech Entrepreneurship 10 point Spring F3 (Tues 8-12, Fri 13-17), Autumn E3 (Tues 8-12, Fri 13-17)

The iGEM and BBiP programmes will also count as an innovation II course. These should be taken as special courses: 

iGEM International Genetically Engineered Machine competition 

BBIP BioBusiness and Innovation Platform at Copenhagen Business School

Core competence courses - mandatory (10 ECTS)

22126 Next-Generation-Sequencing Analysis 5 point January
22160 R for Bio Data Science 5 point Autumn E3A (Tues 8-12)

Choose 35 ECTS among the rest of the programme-specific courses: 

02441 Applied Statistics and Statistical Software 5 point January
02456 Deep learning 5 point Autumn E2A (Mon 13-17)
02477 Bayesian machine learning 5 point Spring F2A (Mon 13-17)
02582 Computational Data Analysis 5 point Spring F2B (Thurs 8-12)
02586 Statistical Genetics 5 point Autumn E1A (Mon 8-12)
02807 Computational Tools for Data Science 5 point E7 (Tues 18-22)
22102 Applied Single Cell Bioinformatics 5 point January
22107 Research Immersion, Life Science 5 point August
22112 High Performance Computing in Life Science 5 point Autumn E1B (Thurs 13-17)
22115 Computational Molecular Evolution 5 point Spring F5B (Wed 13-17)
22117 Protein structure and computational biology 5 point Spring F5A (Wed 8-12)
22123 Computational Precision Medicine 5 point Autumn E4A (Tues 13-17)
22125 Algorithms in bioinformatics 5 point June
22145 Immunological Bioinformatics 5 point Autumn E5A (Wed 8-12)
22150 Introduction to Systems Biology; MSc 5 point Autumn E1B (Thurs 13-17)
22161 Introduction to programming in Life Science using Python, MSc 5 point Autumn E3A (Tues 8-12)
22163 Unix & Python Programming for Bioinformaticians, MSc 10 point Spring F2 (Mon 13-17, Thurs 8-12)
22201 Immune System, Anatomy & Development 5 point Spring F4B (Fri 8-12)
23205 Fighting infectious diseases 5 point Autumn E4B (Fri 8-12)
23257 Compositional data analysis with applications in genomics 5 point Spring F2A (Mon 13-17)
23260 Applied methods in metagenomics 5 point Autumn E4A (Tues 13-17)
23261 Epidemiological methods for surveillance of infectious diseases 5 point Spring F2A (Mon 13-17)
23262 Infectious disease bioinformatics 5 point Spring F3A (Tues 8-12)
23263 Advanced modeling of infectious diseases 5 point Autumn E2A (Mon 13-17)
27230 Prokaryotic cell biology 5 point Autumn E1A (Mon 8-12)
27422 Biosynthesis of natural products 5 point Spring F1B (Thurs 13-17)
27423 Metabolomics and proteomics 5 point Autumn E3A (Tues 8-12)
27430 Eukaryotic cell biology 5 point Spring F3A (Tues 8-12)
27666 AI-guided Protein Science: From Design to Engineering 5 point January
28855 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and quality in pharmaceutical, biotech and food industry - Theoretical version 5 point Spring F1B (Thurs 13-17)

Elective courses

Any course classified as MSc course in DTU's course base may be an elective course. This includes programme specific courses in excess of the minimal requirements. Master students may choose as much as 10 credit points among the bachelor courses at DTU and courses at an equivalent level from other higher institutions. In addition, it is possible to take MSc-level courses at other Danish universities or abroad.

Head of Studies

Leon Eyrich Jessen

Leon Eyrich Jessen Groupleader, Associate Professor Department of Health Technology