Diagnostics Technology Engineering - Study line

The candidates taking the Diagnostics Technology Engineering line will be specialized in developing diagnostic methods for use on human subjects for rapid diagnostics and personalised medicine. This includes quantitative analyzes of biological samples typically by creating new technologies that provide better and more accurate measurements. The approaches will for example be blood sample analysis based on microfluidic chips, new sensors, and new biomaterials that allow for measurements in complex biological samples. Candidates will have strong understanding of biomarkers, surface chemistry, materials, quantitative and statistical methods.


  • describe biomedical molecular diagnostic methods and the use of these methods in clinical practice and personal medicine
  • develop new diagnostic methods for preclinical and clinical use and validate methods
  • use and adapt diagnostic methods and sensors to analyse clinically relevant biomolecules
  • independently select, design, construct, build, use and evaluate molecular-specific sensors
  • analyse a diagnostic problem and choose appropriate sensors and methods for sample preparation
  • describe the process and the limitations of different methods for discovering biomarkers
  • describe and use mathematics and statistical tools to analyse many parallel measurements