Curriculum for Engineering Physics

Programme provision

In order to obtain the MSc Eng degree in Engineering Physics the student must fulfil the following requirements: 
  • Have passed Polytechnical foundation courses adding up to at least 10 ECTS
  • Have passed Programme specific courses adding up to at least 50 ECTS
  • Have performed a Master thesis of 30 ECTS points within the field of the general program
  • Have passed a sufficient number of Elective courses to bring the total number of ECTS of the entire study to 120 ECTS


Polytechnical foundation courses (10 ECTS)

The following courses are mandatory

12100 Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point F7 (Tues 18-22)
12106 Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point Autumn E3B (Fri 13-17)
12105 Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point E7 (Tues 18-22)
12101 Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point Spring F3B (Fri 13-17)
42501 Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point June
42504 Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point August
42500 Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation) 5 point January

Students with advanced innovation competences may, however, take one of the following courses as an alternative to 42500/42501/42504:

42505 Facilitating Innovation in Multidisciplinary Teams 5 point August
42503 Facilitating Innovation in Multidisciplinary Teams 5 point June
42502 Facilitating Innovation in Multidisciplinary Teams 5 point January

Programme specific courses (50 ECTS)

Innovation course II -  5 ECTS among the following courses must be chosen (surplus points count as elective courses):

10750 Innovation Projects at the Physics Department 5 point Autumn E3B (Fri 13-17)
34541 Entrepreneurship in photonics and communications 5 point Autumn E1B (Thurs 13-17)


Core experimental competences -  5 ECTS points among the following courses must be chosen (surplus points count as other programme specific courses or as elective courses):

10304 Experimental Surface Physics 10 point Spring F3 (Tues 8-12, Fri 13-17)
10386 Experimental Techniques in Quantum Technology 5 point June
10855 Advanced fabrication of micro- and nanostructures 10 point Autumn E2 (Mon 13-17, Thurs 8-12) and Autumn E5 (Wed 8-17)
22603 Light microscopy for life science 5 point Autumn E3A (Tues 8-12)
34553 Applied photovoltaics 5 point June
47333 Electron microscopy for materials science 5 point Autumn E3A (Tues 8-12)

Core digital competences -  5 ECTS points among the following courses must be chosen (surplus points count as other programme specific courses or as elective courses):

10302 Electronic Structure Methods in Material Physics, Chemistry and Biology 10 point Spring F5 (Wed 8-17)
10316 Materials design with machine learning and artificial intelligence 5 point January
10325 Quantum mechanical modelling of nanoelectronics 5 point January
10350 Numerical studies in physics 5 point August
10387 Scientific computing in quantum information science 5 point August
22112 High Performance Computing in Life Science 5 point Autumn E1B (Thurs 13-17)
34053 Numerical methods in photonics 5 point Spring F2A (Mon 13-17)

Core theoretical competences -   5 ECTS points among the following courses must be chosen (surplus points count as other programme specific courses or as elective courses):

10112 Advanced Quantum Mechanics 10 point Autumn E2 (Mon 13-17, Thurs 8-12)
10122 Statistical Physics 5 point Autumn E3A (Tues 8-12)
10319 Advanced solid state physics 5 point Autumn E5B (Wed 13-17)
10346 Advanced Continuum Physics 5 point Spring F2A (Mon 13-17)
10380 Quantum Optics 10 point Spring F4 (Tues 13-17, Fri 8-12)
34032 Optical properties of solids 5 point Autumn E1B (Thurs 13-17)
34051 Nanophotonics 10 point Spring F1 (Mon 8-12, Thurs 13-17)

Other programme specific courses

Must add up to at least 50 ECTS together with the programme specific core courses and the Innovation course II


10200 The structure and dynamics of materials studied with X-rays and neutrons 5 point Autumn E1B (Thurs 13-17)
10255 Advanced 3D X-ray imaging 5 point Spring F1A (Mon 8-12)
10306 Theory of 2D materials and Strong Light-Matter Interaction 5 point June
10314 Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 5 point Spring F5B (Wed 13-17)
10315 Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - with project 10 point Spring F5B (Wed 13-17) and Spring F5A (Wed 8-12)
10321 Nanosystems engineering 10 point Autumn E2 (Mon 13-17, Thurs 8-12)
10337 Theoretical microfluidics 5 point Autumn E4A (Tues 13-17)
10339 Concepts in heterogeneous catalysis and applications to energy conversion 5 point Autumn E3B (Fri 13-17)
10384 Quantum information 5 point Autumn E4B (Fri 8-12)
10385 Quantum Information Technology 5 point Spring F3A (Tues 8-12)
10387 Scientific computing in quantum information science 5 point August
10400 Plasma Physics 5 point Autumn E5A (Wed 8-12)
10401 Experimental plasma physics 5 point Spring F2B (Thurs 8-12)
10405 Theory of Relativity 5 point Autumn E1A (Mon 8-12)
10411 Nuclear reactor physics 5 point Spring F4B (Fri 8-12)
10730 Research Immersion MSc (June) - Department of Physics 5 point June
10731 Research Immersion MSc (July) - Department of Physics 5 point July
10732 Research Immersion MSc (August) - Department of Physics 5 point August
10850 Advanced micro- and nanofabrication technology 5 point Spring F3B (Fri 13-17)
10852 Introduction to cleanroom-based microfabrication 5 point June
10851 Introduction to cleanroom-based microfabrication 5 point January
10862 Polymer micro fabrication 5 point June
10871 Advanced design and simulation of solar cells 5 point June
22117 Protein structure and computational biology 5 point Spring F5A (Wed 8-12)
22203 Conceive, Design, Implement, and Operate a Healthcare Product 10 point Autumn E3B (Fri 13-17) and January
22283 Molecular thermodynamics, transport, and analytics 10 point Autumn E4 (Tues 13-17, Fri 8-12)
22485 Medical imaging systems 10 point Autumn E2 (Mon 13-17, Thurs 8-12)
22506 Medical magnetic resonance imaging 5 point Spring F1B (Thurs 13-17)
22507 Advanced magnetic resonance imaging 5 point Autumn E2B (Thurs 8-12)
22508 Practical NMR spectroscopy: Making reactions in (bio)chemistry visible 5 point June
22511 Biomedical optics 5 point Autumn E4A (Tues 13-17)
22530 Computational radiation dosimetry 5 point January
22610 Physics in Health Technology 5 point Autumn E2B (Thurs 8-12)
27510 Biosensors and bioanalysis 5 point Spring F1A (Mon 8-12)
27665 LabChip: Design of Lab-on-a-chip systems 5 point Autumn E4B (Fri 8-12)
34034 Lasers and photonic systems 5 point Autumn E1A (Mon 8-12)
34041 Waveguide optics 5 point Spring F4B (Fri 8-12)
34042 Quantum photonic communication 5 point Autumn E5A (Wed 8-12)
34043 Projects in Optics and Photonics 5 point Spring and Autumn
34046 Experimental methods in photonics 5 point January
34052 Nonlinear optics 10 point Autumn E3 (Tues 8-12, Fri 13-17)
34060 Ultrafast optics: fundamentals and applications 5 point Spring F4A (Tues 13-17)
34153 Physical concepts in optical communication 5 point Spring F3A (Tues 8-12)
34269 Computational imaging and spectroscopy 5 point July
34430 Introduction to biophotonics 5 point Spring F5A (Wed 8-12)
34440 Novel optical fibers in life sciences 5 point Autumn E2A (Mon 13-17)
34451 Nonlinear mathematical physics 5 point Autumn E5B (Wed 13-17)
34539 Design, fabrication and characterization of optical planar waveguide components 5 point June
34540 Light emitting diodes and photovoltaics for energy applications 5 point Autumn E2A (Mon 13-17)
34551 Thin film photovoltaics 5 point January
34552 Photovoltaic systems 5 point Spring F2B (Thurs 8-12)
47319 Functional materials 5 point Spring F1A (Mon 8-12)
47330 Energy storage and conversion 5 point Autumn E1A (Mon 8-12)
47336 Applications of X-ray and neutron scattering in biology, chemistry, and physics 5 point August

Elective Courses

Any course classified as MSc course in DTU's course base may be an elective course. This includes programme specific courses in excess of the minimal requirements. Master students may choose as much as 10 credit points among the bachelor courses at DTU and courses at an equivalent level from other higher institutions. In addition, it is possible to take MSc-level courses at other Danish universities or abroad.