Nanosystems Engineering - Specialization

Nanosystems Engineering

The specialization in nanosystems engineering focuses on the “top-down” design and fabrication of nano- and microsystems for use in research and industrial applications. Students following the specialization are trained in state-of the-art nano- and micro fabrication technologies in a combination of theory, simulation, and device fabrication in the Nanolab clean room facility at DTU, and device characterization in our modern laboratory facilities. Topics include sensors, actuators, sensor-systems and -networks, engineering of surface wetting properties, nano-bio handling and detection, nanofluidics, nanophotonics, nano-electronics, nanomanipulation, and nano/microfabrication.

Polytechnic foundation courses (10 ECTS)

As described in the curriculum for the main programme.


Programme Specific Courses

A. Innovation competences

As described in the curriculum for the main programme.

Programme specific core courses

B. Experimental competences

5 ECTS points among the following courses must be chosen (surplus points count as other programme specific courses or as elective courses):

10855 Advanced fabrication of micro- and nanostructures 10 point Autumn E2 (Mon 13-17, Thurs 8-12) and Autumn E5 (Wed 8-17)

Programme specific core courses

C. Digital competences

5 ECTS points among the following courses must be chosen (surplus points count as other programme specific courses or as elective courses):

10350 Numerical studies in physics 5 point August
34053 Numerical methods in photonics 5 point Spring F2A (Mon 13-17)

Programme specific core courses

D. Theoreticall competences

5 ECTS points among the following courses must be chosen (surplus points count as other programme specific courses or as elective courses):

10319 Advanced solid state physics 5 point Autumn E5B (Wed 13-17)
34051 Nanophotonics 10 point Spring F1 (Mon 8-12, Thurs 13-17)

Other programme specific courses

Must add up to at least 50 ECTS together with the programme specific core courses and the Innovation course II.

10321 Nanosystems engineering 10 point Autumn E2 (Mon 13-17, Thurs 8-12)
10337 Theoretical microfluidics 5 point Autumn E4A (Tues 13-17)
10346 Advanced Continuum Physics 5 point Spring F2A (Mon 13-17)
10521 Physics and technology of two-dimensional materials 10 point Spring F2A (Mon 13-17) and Spring F2B (Thurs 8-12)
10850 Advanced micro- and nanofabrication technology 5 point Spring F3B (Fri 13-17)
10852 Introduction to cleanroom-based microfabrication 5 point June
10851 Introduction to cleanroom-based microfabrication 5 point January
10862 Polymer micro fabrication 5 point June
10871 Advanced design and simulation of solar cells 5 point June
27510 Biosensors and bioanalysis 5 point Spring F1A (Mon 8-12)
27665 LabChip: Design of Lab-on-a-chip systems 5 point Autumn E4B (Fri 8-12)
34539 Design, fabrication and characterization of optical planar waveguide components 5 point June
34540 Light emitting diodes and photovoltaics for energy applications 5 point Autumn E2A (Mon 13-17)
34551 Thin film photovoltaics 5 point January
47333 Electron microscopy for materials science 5 point Autumn E3A (Tues 8-12)

Start in September

Polytechnical foundation
Programme specific courses
Nanosystems engineering
10 point
Advanced solid state physics
5 point
Electron microscopy for materials... Electron microscopy for materials science
5 point
Introduction to cleanroom-based... Introduction to cleanroom-based microfabrication
5 point
Numerical methods in photonics
5 point
Quantitative Sustainability... Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation)
5 point
Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical... Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation)
5 point
Advanced fabrication of micro- and nanostructures
10 point
Innovation Projects at the Physics... Innovation Projects at the Physics Department
5 point
Polymer micro fabrication
5 point
MSc. thesis
30 point

30-35 ECTS MSc. thesis

Topic must be relevant for the specialization.

Start in February

Polytechnical foundation
Programme specific courses
10 point
Numerical methods in photonics
5 point
Quantitative Sustainability... Quantitative Sustainability (Polytechnical Foundation)
5 point
Introduction to cleanroom-based... Introduction to cleanroom-based microfabrication
5 point
Advanced solid state physics
5 point
Innovation Projects at the Physics... Innovation Projects at the Physics Department
5 point
Advanced fabrication of micro- and nanostructures
10 point
Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical... Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation)
5 point
Advanced Continuum Physics
5 point
Polymer micro fabrication
5 point
MSc. thesis
30 point

30-35 ECTS MSc. thesis

Topic must be relevant for the specialization.

Specializations are merely recommended ways of choosing the courses in the curriculum. Applicants are not admitted to a specialization but to the programme and it is possible to choose among all the courses in the curriculum following the directions given. However, if a specialization has been fulfilled the title of the specialization may be added to the diploma.