Managing and executing projects within the aquaculture sector

Aleix Pinyol Gallemi works with a whole range of different types of consultancy projects—from troubleshooting at fish farms to innovation projects.

Aleix Pinyol Gallemi, Consultant, Pisco Group

What do you do at Pisco Group?

Pisco Group is an aquaculture and innovation consultancy specializing in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS).

I work as an Aquaculture Engineer and Business Consultant. My work is primarily structured in different projects that different customers from all over the world have hired us for. My tasks are to manage and execute these projects, along with my colleagues.

The projects range from technical evaluation of RAS systems (design of new ones and evaluation of existing ones), troubleshooting at fish farms, development of management software for fish farms and improvement of operational practics in fish farms. We also develop business cases for new projects and provide advice on how to optimize the performance of different types of business within the aquaculture sector.

Why did you choose the aquaculture study line at Aquatic Science & Technology?

I joined Aquatic Science & Technology in February 2014 because I was interested in aquaculture and especially in recirculating aquaculture systems. Previously, I had worked as a researcher for some years, but I decided that I wanted to do something more applied and I had always been interested in aquaculture so it seemed like a good fit.

What competences did you get from Aquatic Science & Technology that are important in your job?

The MSc Programme in Aquatic Science & Technology provided me with a lot of technical and scientific insights that are needed in my daily work. Moreover, through special courses I could tailor the syllabus and add some courses in fields such as cost and business aspects of aquaculture or alternatives to biofiltration.

Job title: Aquaculture Engineer and Business Consultant

MSc in Aquatic Science and Technology (DTU, 2016)

Thesis: Testing biological methods to control harmful algae blooms in recirculating aquaculture systems

BSc in Biology