Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Cyber Technology

What technologies are changing our everyday lives? And how do they shape tomorrow’s society? With a Bachelor of Science in Cyber Technology, you can find the answers and work with the latest digital developments—from intelligent products to smartphones and data centres.
Cyber Technology is a study programme for those who want to understand the technologies that connect us, and who want the skills to analyse complex communication and networking systems. The study programme combines software with hardware—cables with theory—to give you the deepest understanding of the invisible technologies constantly changing our world.
If you choose to become a cyber technology engineer, you can help create safer, greener, and more reliable technology and infrastructure. You can take up the challenge and create solutions that reduce the energy and electricity consumption from internet and streaming services traffic. You can work with the critical communication infrastructure we must defend to preserve a modern digital society. You can make our cities better and greener, develop new technology that makes us healthier, or protect individuals and organizations from cyber attacks.
With a Bachelor of Science in Cyber Technology, the world is open to you. Then it’s up to you how you want to drive change using the latest technology.