Collaboration with researchers

Does your business need help developing new products, optimizing production, or conducting a scientific study?

Collaboration on specific research projects is one of many opportunities for interaction between businesses and researchers. DTU enters into more than 1,200 collaboration agreements a year.

DTU works closely with businesses on conversion of ideas and innovation into reality. At the start of a research collaboration with DTU, a collaboration agreement is to be drawn up.

There are different agreement types depending on the nature of the collaboration. Within this framework, there is wide scope for finding solutions tailored to the individual project and project participants.

Regardless of the type of collaboration agreement the company enters into, DTU offers highly specialized researchers, trained technical staff, and state-of-the-art facilities.

Two collaboration models

Companies can collaborate with researchers and researcher groups in two different ways: co-financed research or commissioned research.

DTU’s two research project collaboration models each offer their own opportunities for concluding an agreement that meets DTU’s collaboration partner’s interests and wishes. Overall, the opportunities are fairly wide, but the two models each have their own clear framework.

They offer different terms and conditions for exploiting the project results, for keeping the results confidential, and for fixing the price for the performance of the work. The models thus offer different opportunities for the parties to meet their interests in entering into a collaboration.

DTU also collaborates with a large number of companies in connection with PhD student programmes. The companies can participate in a PhD programme in different ways, depending on the funding of the PhD student and the place of employment.

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Jan Eiersted Molzen

Jan Eiersted Molzen Head of DTU Partnerships Office for Research, Advice and Innovation Phone: +45 45257127


Jonas Orebo Pyndt

Jonas Orebo Pyndt Team Manager Office for Research, Advice and Innovation Mobile: +45 22567579