Publication of results and confidentiality

DTU’s researchers undertake to publish own results, provided that results are suitable for publication. The only exception from this rule is results achieved through commissioned research. When entering into co-financed research agreements, DTU may conclude an agreement with its collaborating partner on the time and place of publication. This way, the parties can ensure that there is enough time to file a patent application if patenting of DTU’s results is useful and feasible.

Will DTU keep certain types of information confidential?

The collaborating partner’s secrets DTU’s researchers must keep confidential any secrets received from a company, just as they must keep confidential own results from commissioned research projects.

As for secrets obtained by a researcher from a company, the duty of confidentiality follows directly from the law.

Information that must be kept secret under the law may include information on technical installations or on businesses where it is of significant financial importance to the person or company whom the information concerns that the information is not disclosed. In such case, DTU’s researchers must keep the information confidential irrespective of whether or not an agreement has been concluded to that effect.

Public access to information on private financing

The law requires DTU to give public access to information on private financing. Accordingly, the company must accept that information about the research project title, company name and the size of the contribution is made accessible to the public.

PhD students

No matter where they work, all PhD students must make a public defence of their thesis in order to be awarded their PhD degree. During the public defence, the student must present the results of his or her work.

The defence will take place within three months from submission of the PhD thesis. The defence may be postponed up to four months if required for the purpose of protecting the invention by patent.

Is DTU obliged to achieve specific results?

DTU can never become obliged to achieve certain results. This would be in contravention of the generally accepted principles of good research. DTU may undertake to complete a specific project or perform specific measurements.