Whistleblower scheme

DTU's whistleblower scheme makes it possible for you, on a confidential basis, to submit a report, if you suspect or experience irregularities or unlawful activities in connection with your work at DTU or in your collaboration with DTU.

Who can submit a report?

All employees at DTU and all DTU's external collaborators and persons employed with external collaborators.

What can you report?

You can submit a report if you have knowledge or well-founded suspicion of serious offences.

Serious offences may include:

  • Criminal offences, such as financial abuse, theft, fraud, embezzlement, bribery, infringement of professional secrecy etc.
  • Other kinds of infringements, e.g. of the Danish public administration act, the data protection legislation, the Danish access to public administrative documents act or other relevant legislation.
  • Serious or repeated breaches of important internal guidelines such as guidelines and policies on business travels, gifts, conflict of interest, accounting, etc.
  • Serious person-related episodes in the workplace, such as severe bullying and harassment, violence, physical and sexual abuses and the like. 

Matters of a ”less” serious nature such as cooperation difficulties, incompetency, sickness absence, smoking, alcohol abuse, etc. are not included in the whistleblower scheme. This type of matters is handled in dialogue with the immediate superior, the HR department or the union representative.

How to report?

Make sure that your report contains all essential information and facts such as:

  • What does the matter concern?
  • Who are involved in the offence described in the report?
  • Where and when did the offence take place/takes place?
  • How big are the values comprised by the offence?
  • How has the reporter obtained the information?

You can use this reporting form

If you do not have all the information, it is important that you do not start an investigation yourself as you risk destroying possible proofs. It is better to report the matter on a less secure basis.

You can submit a report to the whistleblower scheme in the following ways:

  • By e-mail to: wbdtu@dtu.dk
  • By telephone: 93 51 00 01
  • By letter:
    Anker Engelundvej 1
    DK-2800 Lyngby
    Att.: DTU's whistleblower unit

Can you submit an anonymous report?

It is possible to submit an anonymous report.

However, DTU urges you to provide your name and other contact details in your report, so it is possible to get in touch with you if further information is needed.

DTU protects the persons who make use of the whistleblower scheme, and reprisals, if any, will be reported to DTU's HR department.

How is a report handled?

  1. DTU will send you an acknowledgement of receipt as soon as possible and not later than 7 days upon receipt.
  2. It will be evaluated whether there is basis for processing of the report or whether it should be rejected.
  3.  If there is ground for a case handling, an investigation is initiated.
  4. If the investigation reveals critical aspects, it may lead to: reporting to the police, employment consequences or contractual consequences
  5. As a reporter you will be informed about the handling of the case and the result not later than three months after the reporting – the notification deadline can be extended to six months, and the notification can be restricted due to rules on confidentiality, etc.

How is the reported person informed?

The reported person will normally be informed when the proofs, if any, have been obtained.

The reported person has a right to get access to the report and in this connection to the name of the reporter if the report was not submitted anonymously.

More information

See Guideline for DTU's Whistleblower Scheme