DTU Lyngby campus
DTU’s main campus is located north of Copenhagen near the town of Lyngby. More than 100 buildings are scattered across the 106-hectare great plain, which is divided into four quadrants – exactly like points in a coordinate system.

The campus is safe and secure and a site of great natural beauty: wooded areas, squares, inner courtyards and gardens, sports fields and a central avenue are nestled in the gaps between the buildings and combine to create an aesthetically pleasing architectural statement.
The architect duo, Eva and Nils Koppel and the landscape design couple, Edith and Ole Nørgaard, were commissioned to design the University in the forest. Construciton work began in 1960 and continued until 1977.
DTU is currently investing more than DKK 4 billion in a comprehensive transformation of the university's buildings and infrastructure.
Technical University of Denmark
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
Building 101A
2800 Kgs. Lyngby