
Research underpins all our work. Technology is created through the synergy of research, education, innovation, and scientific advice and by innovative researchers who work at the cutting edge in global partnerships.

  • 5.462 publications in 2023
  • 1.47 normalized citation impact*
  • 17% publications in the top 10% most cited
  • 72% of publications by DTU researchers are co-published with researchers from institutions ourside of Denmark

*Normalized citation impact: citations per publication normalized for subject (Web of Science Category), year, and document type. A value of one represents performance at par with the world average. DTU's citation impact is thus 47% above the world average.

PhD fellows admitted and graduating from DTU, 2017-2023

 Year Admitted Graduating Total enrollment
 2023  399 (245)  352 (180)  1.760 (1.009)
 2022  463 (225)  329 (199)  1.683 (815)
 2021   463 (289)  363 (227)  1.527 (934)
 2020   474 (303)  349 (208)  1.453 (889)
 2019   453 (272)  408 (249)  1.396 (843)

* Number of international fellows in parentheses.

Read more about research at DTU.