Make sure you order your student card before you arrive. It is a good idea to do it as soon as you receive your student number. It takes approximately 2-3 weeks to get your card ready for you.
How do I order my student card?
To order a student card, you simply need to upload your photo to DTUbasen, which is DTU’s database for all students and employees.
You log on using your student number and your password.
Once the picture has been approved, the student ID card will be produced.
If you already have a valid student ID card, you do not need to order a new card.
When will I receive my student card?
We will send your student ID card to your address as listed in the national register. Most international students, however, will receive an email when the card is ready, and be asked to collect it in the International Student Services.
Why do I need a student card?
The student card is a personal identification card, and you should always carry your card with you when you are on DTU's campuses. Not only do you use it to identify yourself as a DTU student, but it also serves as your library card, allows you to gain access to facilities and data-bars outside regular opening hours, and grants various student discounts with relevant providers; for example in the DTU canteens.
What should I do if I lose my student card?
If you need to change your pin for your student card, block a lost student card and/or order a new student card, this can be done on the Cardadmin website by logging in with your DTU Inside login.
How will I know when my student card is ready?
The Cardadmin website can be used to check the status of your card.
For international MSc students: International Student Services will always send you an email once your student card is ready to be picked up. Therefore, please note, that even if the status of your student card is “Student card must be activated”, this does not necessarily mean that your card is ready to be picked up from International Student Services.