Applied mathematical analysis - Specialization

Applied Mathematical Analysis

This specialization provides a strong theoretical and practical foundation in applied mathematics. The topics are chosen so as to be readily applicable to many different areas in engineering and science, and they form a blend of both classical areas and new areas that are expected to play a significant role in engineering in the future.

Specialization specific courses

The student must follow the requirements in the general curriculum for the programme. In addition, at least 15 ECTS points are obtained among the following courses:

01238 Differential Geometry 5 point Spring F2B (Thurs 8-12)
01621 Advanced Dynamical Systems: Global Theory 5 point Spring F1A (Mon 8-12)
01622 Advanced Dynamical Systems: Applications in Science and Engineering 5 point Spring F3B (Fri 13-17)
01715 Functional Analysis 5 point Autumn E4B (Fri 8-12)
02425 Diffusions and stochastic differential equations 5 point Autumn E1B (Thurs 13-17)
02623 The Finite Element Method for Partial Differential Equations 5 point January
02624 Inverse problems and Imaging 5 point Autumn E5B (Wed 13-17)

Specializations are merely recommended ways of choosing the courses in the curriculum. Applicants are not admitted to a specialization but to the programme and it is possible to choose among all the courses in the curriculum following the directions given. However, if a specialization has been fulfilled the title of the specialization may be added to the diploma.