Study lines - Pharmaceutical Design and Engineering

You will not find pre-defined sub programmes or specializations on the DTU Pharmaceutical Design and Engineering MSc programme

You can choose from a range of technological specialization courses and combine with elective courses to create precisely the individual Pharmaceutical Design and Engineering profile to match your interests and background. That said, there is still a number of core mandatory courses clearly defining the Pharmaceutical Design and Engineering candidate.

These courses cover the pharmaceutical drug discovery proces as well as a number of advanced life science courses supplemented by in dephts courses on methodology and technology. For example, your profile may be chemical or it may be biological; it may be focused on discovery/methods development or on product development or production, or you may choose to concentrate on product characterization, clinical trials, handling intellectual property rights, or post-marketing surveillance—just to mention a few possibilities.

At the same time we are keen to ensure that a master in Pharmaceutical Design and Engineering has a clearly recognizable profile; a broad knowledge of industrial pharma processes, and of the demands and interrelations between its different phases—with a particular focus on biopharma.

See the full description of the courses under "Curriculum".