

  • Effects of seawater freezing on dissolved organic matter characteristics and degradation potential
  • Feed optimization for black soldier fly larvae
  • Effects of shelters on the performance and welfare of rainbow trout fingerlings in an organic farm


  • Chronic effects of car tire microparticles and their leachates on copepods
  • Autotrophic denitrification in RAS
  • Explanatory environmental variables that drive the presence and abundance of juvenile plaice and flounder (Pleuronectidae) in the west coast fjords of Denmark
  • Changing ocean colour in Greenlandic Shelf waters
  • Evaluating biogenic reefs in Denmark
  • Hypoxia and its effects on tropical coral reef ecosystems
  • Evaluating the environmental and economic sustainability of the different commercial fishing gears operating in the Thorupstrand fishery
  • Quantification and analysis of marine and coastal litter on selected beaches in the Gulf of Guinea
  • Investigating the effect of microplastics (MP) on uptake of oil components (PAHs) in blue mussels
  • Carp Farming Practices and Potential for ASC Certification
  • Evaluation of an experimental filtration system for the removal of geosmin from recirculating aquaculture systems
  • Role of air-sea interaction in convection: a case-study in the northwestern Iceland Sea
  • Application of DNA for detection of invasive crayfish, crayfish plague and host-parasite interaction in Danish streams
  • Stratification of East Greenlandic fjords
  • Fish otoliths and eye lenses: A comparative study of chemical composition
  • Improving and evaluating length-based assessments of data limited stocks
  • Biological interactions of concrete in marine environments – Screening of key influences
  • Design of method for monitoring swimming behaviour of Cetaceans
  • Cultivation of Gracilaria in Danish estuaries- from spores to harvestable resources
  • Effects of temperature and salinity on survival and feeding of Calanus spp. in Disko Bay, West Greenland
  • Spatial analysis of designation and use of Danish MPAs focusing on Danish fisheries
  • Comparison of lake quality indicators, fish population characteristics and fish reproduction patterns in Lake Ormstrup before and after lake restoration by fish removal
  • Cultivation of green microalgae on residual streams for daphnia production
  • Nature inclusive concrete designs for surface texturing and its effect on mineralogical changes and biological growth in maritime environments


  • Conceptualization of Macroplastic extraction in the Saigon River
  • Fish larvae community composition in the North Sea
  • Pathology of cod livers infected with the nematode parasite cods liver worm Contracaecum osculatum
  • Cultivation of Palmaria palmata (dulse) in landbased IMTA systems – from spore to harvestable resource
  • Development and application of seabed mosaicking systems for ROVs
  • Analysis and evaluation of mackerel stomach content and measuring the degree of deterioration at different preserving methods
  • Carbon export from pelagic plankton communities
  • Effects of water treatment applications on RAS microbiology
  • Modelling the impact of climate change on potential habitats in marine species
  • Time-space distribution of Saduria entomon in the Bornholm Basin over a multi-annual period of changing ecosystem conditions
  • Release and fate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from kelp
  • Variation in dispersal behaviour among individual round goby and its relation to catchability
  • Acoustic data mining to characterise fish school formation in response to environmental drivers
  • Genetic identification of population of origin for beaked redfish (Sebastes mentella)
  • European flat oyster larvae settlement on various substrates in hatchery for aquaculture and restoration
  • Decadal changes in physical oceanographic conditions on the East Greenland Shelf
  • Effects of peracetic acid on growth in Atlantic salmon and associated changes in gene expression
  • Variation in behaviour traits in individual round goby and its relation to catchability in static gear


  • Biodiversity of Invertebrates and biomass turnover in commercial recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) biofilters
  • Global distribution of unicellular plankton traits
  • Copepod demography
  • Effects of backwashing on biofilter performance and water quality in a commercial salt water RAS
  • Overwinter survival of Coho Salmon Parr related to environmental conditions in a tributary of the Siletz River
  • Distribution and diel activity patterns of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in relation to the abundance of prey species, in Sønderborg bay, Als, Denmark. Including an insight into the short-term effects of reconstructing artificial cobble reefs
  • The combined effect of oil and global change on tropical zooplankton
  • Measuring attraction and catch efficiency of bait and baited pots in the Sea of Cortez
  • A metabarcoding study on community composition of marine microbial eukaryotes in the waters around Svalbard
  • Restoration of marine boulder reefs: addressing the single large or several small (SLOSS) debate in relation to marine habitat restoration
  • Current and future markets for Calanus finmarchicus
  • Vulnerability assessment of European fisheries to climate change
  • Phage-based technology against diseases caused by Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Evaluation of effect of phages in experimental infections in fry and eggs of rainbow trout
  • The warming and freshening of the Nordic Seas and impact on circulation
  • Forecasting sandeel recruitment in the North Sea
  • Spatial change of herring distribution according to hydrographic fronts in Skagerrak 2017-18
  • Using acoustic telemetry to evaluate impact of river diverging: implications for marine protected area
  • Bottom habitat preference based on burial behavior in juvenile European eel (Anguilla anguilla): importance to coastal ecosystem management


  • eDNA based detection of the fish fauna in Nature Park Åmosen (Denmark)
  • Effects of seaweed shelters on welfare, behavior and health of lumpfish in aquaculture
  • Short term effects of mussel dredging on benthic macrofauna
  • Modeling global ocean connectivity patterns
  • The distribution of coastal gobies from the Inner Danish Waters
  • Using underwater video methods as a tool to determine the effect of mussel dredging on benthic megafauna
  • Ecology of Pseudodiaptomus annandalei with emphasis on optimizing mass cultivation as feed for larval fish
  • Denitrification of recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) using sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
  • Evaluation of coagulation/flocculation aids on the removal of suspended solids and phosphates from a saltwater RAS effluent
  • Trawl gear as a data collection platform: Skagerrak shrimp trawling as a case study
  • Stomach sampling and analyses of shrimp predators in Skagerrak
  • Nitrous oxide emissions in shallow areas: effects of high temperatures during meteorological extreme events
  • Evaluation of feed binders on the level of particles in recirculating aquaculture system
  • Effects of salmon crowding during operational practices in sea cages on the dispersion of salmon lice
  • Restoration of biogenic reefs and competition for benthic habitat


  • Determination of origin of preserved tiger shark jaws located in Europe, using genetic methods
  • Analysis of grey seal diet composition in the Baltic Sea
  • Denitrification in saltwater recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) using an up-flow sludge bed reactor (USB)
  • Shore based recreational reel and rod spring fisheries on Funen; Angler demography, catch rates, release rates and aspects of angler behaviour
  • tock assessment in the Western and Central Mediterranean Sea: Analysis of data quality and exploration of different stock assessment models
  • Influence of marine infrastructures on the population connectivity of flatfish in the North Sea
  • Comparison of prevalence and intensity of infestation of the parasite nematode Contracaecum osculatum (liver worm) in Baltic cod from different areas
  • Robust estimation of bottom friction
  • Climate change impacts on plankton community dynamics
  • Performic acid as a potential disinfectant in recirculating aquaculture systems
  • Modeling navigation routes in long-distance ocean migrants
  • Redesign of a system for sprat abundance estimation using new innovative solutions
  • Modelling dispersal and spatial connectivity of macro-invertebrates in Danish waters


  • Effects of a diet with higher content of Tisochrysis lutea and Pavlova gyrans on Ostrea edulis broodstock and their offspring
  • Pilot study of seabird bycatch by use of electronic monitoring in Øresund, DK
  • Comparative analysis of growth changes in North Atlantic cod
  • Protein skimmers: increasing recirculation aquaculture efficiency
  • Unintended effects of no-take marine protected areas in Southern Norway on populations of edible crab (Cancer pagurus)
  • Testing biological methods to control harmful algae blooms in RAS
  • Comparative study of pyrene tolerance between laboratory reared Calanus finmarchicus and the in situ population of origin
  • Population structure amongst roach populations, historical and present effects
  • Discard survival of plaice in a Norway lobster trawler
  • Numerical investigations of artificial surf reef
  • Quantifying the impact of a network of small-scale MPAs on the reproductive potential of European lobster (Homarus gammarus) in the Norwegian Skagerrak
  • Modelling dispersal of salmon lice in a tidal energetic island system: Faroe Islands
  • Lethal and sub lethal effects of oil spill response technologies on Calanus glacialis in ice covered areas
  • Fine scale mapping of cod aggregations using high resolution fisheries data
  • Interannual variation in abundance of three species of jellyfish in the Bornholm Basin
  • How can remonte electronic monitoring help in the implementation of the landing obligation?
  • Physiological and behavioral response among Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) to the usage of an underwater time of flight image acquisition system based on LiDAR technology
  • Impacts of water quality and disinfection regime on embryonic survival of European eel
  • Impact of broodstock diet on reproductive performance of male European eel
  • Discard survival of Norway lobster (Nephrops Norvegicus)
  • Determinants of group formation on animals on the move


  • 3D reconstruction of Stokes flow around aquatic microorganisms from particle image velocimetry
  • Abundance and size analysis of marine microplastics >10 µm from a cross-Atlantic transect
  • The physiological effects of limited light availability on Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in submerged cages
  • Effect of temperature on biofilter nitrification performance in recirculating aquaculture systems
  • Evaluation of quantification techniques for marine microplastics based on cross-Atlantic transect samples
  • Environmental determinates of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) spawning distributions
  • Fisheries selectivity and balanced harvesting
  • Pattern formation in a Keller-Segel model with kinesis
  • Population structure and insights into the phenotypic characteristics of inshore mixed stocks of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in West Greenland
  • Comparison of environmental DNA concentrations and fish catches in the North Sea
  • Thermal optimum for Juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and the use of gill ventilation frequency as an accurate indicator of metabolic rate


  • Density and habitat use of juvenile salmon (Salmo salar) in a lowland river
  • The effect of egg quality on mRNA expression impacts in hatching success in European eel (Anguilla anguilla L)
  • Release of DOM and inorganic nutrients from surface sediments during periods of oxygen depletion
  • Impacts of intraspecific predation risk on behaviour across adult pike size classes
  • Stock structure of plaice
  • Growth and fitness of round goby in Danish coastal waters
  • Effect of exposure on sea lice population on salmon farms
  • Effect of oil leak on wintering populations of Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus glacialis
  • Compensation-cultivation of mussels by a Danish fish farmer and its ecologic importance for the areas eider ducks
  • The influence of various probiotics on the quality, growth and performance of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) larvae
  • Zooplankton control of the biological pump; vertical migration and seasonal forcing


  • Assesment of the offshore fishery for Greenland halibut at West Greenland
  • Fisheries Management in context of cross sectorial spatial planning at Dogger Bank
  • Age determination and feeding ecology of Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) in Greenland
  • Spatial distribution and population indices for rare species (e.g. rays, sharks)
  • Evaluating the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the carbon budget of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa—Possible implications of the available food
  • A study on Icelandic killer whales feeding behavior: Identifying a specific trait (tail-slap) with modern techniques to characterize feeding on herring
  • Photograph based approach to determine sex in bottlenose dolphins
  • Modelling the spring bloom dynamics in the North Atlantic


  • The importance of egg cannibalism for the Calanus succession in the Disko Bay, Western Greenland
  • Benefits of water current on the bioenergetics of rainbow trout
  • Can the mixing of herring stocks between the Baltic Sea and the North Sea be quantified from existing otolith data?
  • Toxic effects on marine organisms of peroxygen compounds used in aquaculture
  • Microarrays for fish species identification
  • Age-related mortality in Fish
  • Ecosystem impact of oil contaminationEvaluating pyrene toxicity on key copepod species, Calanus hyperboreus
  • Imposing balanced fishing on a fish community—Consequences for yield and ecosystem structure
  • Mortality of migrating sea trout smolts (Salmo trutta) passing Lake Egaa
  • An end-to-end model of a marine ecosystem
  • Biofilms and coral energy budgets
  • Zooplankton respiration in the twilight zone
  • Probiotics and aquaculture
  • Phytoplankton succession: from sea ice through the spring bloom in Disko bay, West Greenland
  • Investigations into the recent increase in abundance of boarfish (Capros Aper)
  • In vivo pO2 measurement in glass catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhis)
  • A coral productivity model; ecological, biological and hydrodynamic aspects
  • Identification and distribution of Sargasso Sea fish larvae


  • Age estimation and growth of Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) from the Uruguayan-Argentinean common fishery zone
  • Using sediment cores proxies to illuminate changes associated with Mangrove cutting and climate change in a tropical estuary