Master of Science (MSc) in Architectural Engineering
With an MSc degree in Architectural Engineering, you can help influence the design of future buildings.

Study Programme
With Architectural Engineering, you can use your growing knowledge of engineering by optimizing and integrating it within the holistic design processes, which will define the future’s sustainable building architecture.
The MSc programme in Architectural Engineering is linking your engineering skills to the design process through numerous cross-disciplinary project courses at high level in order to make you a specialist within the field of building design.
The programme offers as a supplement to the generic project courses a wide range of spezialisation courses in areas such as building technology energy, load-bearing structures, installations, indoor climate, fire safety, acoustics, lighting, project management, and building information modelling.
You will have the opportunity to work in close collaboration with both Danish and international companies - either as part of the courses, as an individual project or while writing your thesis.
The MSc is a two-year graduate programme with a workload of 120 ECTS credit points.
Combine work with studies
This study programme is also available as an Industry study programme where you can combine work and study over a 4-year period. Special rules apply.