What can I do with an MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems

DTU has a leading position in sustainable energy research, and high-quality national and international networks and partnerships have laid down a solid foundation for our activities. The area is seeing strong growth, providing ample scope for employment in Denmark and abroad. Furthermore, you might get the opportunity to continue your studies and do a PhD, for instance at DTU.

Typical fields of work

You can engage in the implementation of sustainable energy technologies in energy systems or specific technology projects—including modelling and evaluation of environmental and social implications.
Some Sustainable Energy graduates are involved in development projects in companies developing and producing renewable energy technology, while others are engaged in project design and the development and implementation of renewable energy projects for energy companies and other investors/developers.

A large number of Sustainable Energy graduates are furthermore employed in the private consultancy business, which needs people with the proper combination of specialist knowledge and project, planning, and financial understanding of energy systems. Public authorities involved in planning and regulation in the energy sector at both national and regional levels also demand graduates with the above qualifications.

Career opportunities

Sustainable Energy graduates are thus able to find employment with the following companies, authorities, universities, and organizations:

  • DONG Energy, Københavns Energi, Vattenfall, Dansk Energi
  • Utility companies and district heating companies
  • Maersk, Danfoss
  • The Danish Energy Agency
  • Energinet.dk
  • International organizations such as the EU, IEA, and EWEA
  • National TSOs (Transmission System Operators) and DSOs (Distribution System Operators)
  • Consultancy firms such as Cowi and Rambøll
  • DTU and other universities
  • NGOs such as Greenpeace

Pursue a PhD

Once you have an MSc in Engineering, you might get the opportunity to continue your studies and apply for admission to the three-year PhD, which at DTU is a research-based programme ranking among the best in the world. You can do either a regular PhD or an industrial PhD, the latter with concurrent employment in a company.

As a PhD student, you will be part of a research group and will carry out an independent scientific project. Some students also choose to do a PhD abroad.

PhD at DTU