Clubs and associations
DTU has a wide range of various clubs and associations for both students and staff. For further information please contact the club or association directly.

PF, Polyteknisk Forening
Founded in 1845, Polyteknisk Forening, PF represents all engineering students at DTU and is the oldest student organization in Denmark.
PF is independent of all party politics and works closely with the management at DTU to ensure that the students have influence on their education.
But PF is also a social organization in charge of arranging e.g. freshers’ trips and running S-Huset (the S-House) in building 101 on DTU Lyngby Campus. S-Huset is the students' house and home to cafés and bars, a host of gaming facilities, hobby clubs, concerts, and annual events such as a football tournament (soccer), fun run, half marathon, and ski trip.
PF gives you access to different clubs. Find a comprehensive list here.
ESN DTU is the local Erasmus Student Network (ESN) at DTU. The aim of the association is to provide incoming international students with the opportunity to get to know Denmark and Danish culture by organizing various events.
Venture Cup
For more than a decade Venture Cup has worked to help and inspire young entrepreneurs and to empower university students and researchers to develop their ideas into successful companies. Venture Cup hold two annual competitions: the Idea Competition and Venture Cup Startup Competition.
IAESTE is an association which manages the international exchange programmes of Danish and foreign students with a technical and scientific education. The association was founded in 1948 with the purpose of furthering a better understanding between countries and cultures.
The European organization, BEST, arranges summer courses at technical universities around Europe, BEST Engineering Competition (the biggest engineering competition in Europe), as well as a lot of social activities throughout the year.
DTU Alt Protein Project
A group of students passionate about the sustainable transformation of the food system. The purpose of the group is to spread knowledge and inspiration about the future's sustainable protein sources and meat alternatives. The group plans events for other students at DTU and beyond, hosts cooking classes, conferences, workshops, tasting events, and more! DTU Alt Protein Project is part of the various Alternative Protein Projects worldwide, and included in the Good Food Institute.
Learn more about DTU Alt Protein Project
Copenhagen Management Consulting Club
As a DTU student you will already have acquired analytical problem solving skills. The combination of the management consultants’ knowledge of how best to advise management and your analytical expertise is a skillset that is highly sought after by the business community. The CPH Management Consulting Club aims to further develop your analytical and presentation skills while familiarizing you with the consulting industry. The club provides knowledge, events, and network opportunities in collaboration with the industry’s top-tier consultancies to give you this skill set.
WESA - Wind Energy Student Association
WESA is the Wind Energy Student Associatio at DTU where all students, who are interested in wind energy, get together on a regular basis.. We provide a platform for networking between students and industry, finding new friends and helping each other out. Founded in the fall of 2016, there are already more than 140 international members from different master's programmes related to wind energy,but the member also include bachelor students, PhD students, and recent graduates.
Hypatia - Women in Engineering - is a network for all women connected to DTU. Hypatia is working towards strengthening its members’ personal networks, both socially and professionally. The network is run by students or recently graduated female engineers.
DTU's Art Association
The purpose of DTU’s Art Association is to explore art and artistic expression, and by so doing impart an artistic dimension to students and staff at DTU. The association arranges exhibitions and events throughout the year. Contact them on
DTU Choir
The DTU Choir is a university choir for students and staff. The choir is led by Peter Spies, an accomplished composer, musician, and choirmaster. Choir practice every Tuesday from 5 - 6.30 p.m. in the Glass Hall in Building 101 on Lyngby Campus. If you would like to join the choir, just show up for rehearsal on a Thursday evening.
Meeting place and inspirational forum for employees and students who are interested in piano music. The members of PianoForum DTU are accomplished beginners who enjoy meeting likeminded peers and play, listen and discuss. The repertoire typically includes classical music, Jazz and improvisations. You don’t have to be a virtuoso to become a member, but you have to be a bit above beginner level. For more information, please contact Professor Ole Christensen from DTU Compute.