DTU Guidelines on offensive behaviour, including harassment, intimidation, sexual harassment, violence and threats of violence, and discrimination
DTU maintains a responsible study and working culture, which prioritizes well-being and openness. All activities at DTU are based on an equal and respectful cooperation, both in the student body and among employees. DTU expects this of all students and employees.
Offensive behaviour, including harassment, intimidation, sexual harassment, violence, threats of violence and discrimination DTU does not accept harassment, intimidation, sexual harassment, violence, threats of violence and discrimination, or other forms of intimidating behaviour directed at students, employees, or guests.
Harassment is unacceptable, regardless of the form or way in which it is used.
What each person considers offensive behaviour can vary. When determining whether harassment has occurred, one must begin with the experience of the person who feels harassed.
All students and employees at DTU are expected to ensure that harassment does not occur.
What to do if you need help
In the event that you need help at DTU, you are urged to contact:
- Study Guidance studvejl@adm.dtu.dk at your campus
- Jørgen Jensen, Director: studiechef@dtu.dk, 2492 1699
- DTU’s organization psychologists: psykologhaelp@dtu.dk, 4525 7373 (You may choose to maintain anonymity and all contact is treated confidentially)
- Student Counselling Service: 7026 7500 or www.srg.dk