DTU is developing its study environment

DTU is working in close collaboration with the students to improve its study environment and develop the University further as an attractive place of study.

What does study environment entail at DTU?

Study environment at DTU is about ensuring the well-being of students while they are at the premises of the University; it is about the diversity of social and academic activities conducted at DTU, and about the physical settings that the University provides for the students, both indoors and outdoors.

At DTU, we appreciate that our students participate in activities that go beyond the planned contents of their study programmes, and we therefore support a visible, versatile, and culturally rich campus life as a part of the study environment.

DTU Study Environment Survey 

As of the autumn 2020, DTU will use Uddannelseszoom, a comprehensive study environment survey conducted by The Ministry of Education and Research, as data for DTU's work with the further development of an attractive, learning-supporting, well-being-promoting, healthy, and safe study and learning environment.


The DTU Study Environment Action Plan

Based on the results from the DTU Study Environment Survey 2015, a future-oriented action plan has been adopted for the study environment, which contains a list of specific initiatives, which will be launched in the 2016-2018 period.

Renovation of auditoriums, improved communication about courses and examinations, and more in-depth study places for students are among the many new initiatives aimed at creating an even better study environment for DTU students.


This-for-that foundation

Are you and your fellow students using worn furniture? Does your Friday bar need a make-over? In collaboration with Polyteknisk Forening (PF student association), DTU has set up a ‘This-for-that foundation’ from which all students may apply for funds to improve their local study environment.

Funds are obtained via saved costs for extra cleaning and maintenance in connection with student events held on the University’s premises.The money may then instead be used by the students to finance purchases of new furniture, painting of walls etc.

Read more about the Fund and how to apply at pf.dk

The DTU Study Environment Committee

The Committee has been set up with the aim of promoting a good study environment at DTU. The Committee’s work is based on the study environment policy, which, in turn, is based on DTU’s educational policy.

The Committee discusses methods and launches systematic surveys of the study environment. The survey results are then used as a platform for a draft action plan for improvements.

The Study Environment Committee is involved in relevant study environment aspects of DTU's overall campus planning and also discusses norms and standards relevant to the study environment.

The Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Student Affairs chairs the Committee, which is composed of student representatives from Polyteknisk Forening (PF student association), lecturers from all four quadrants at DTU Lyngby Campus, from DTU Ballerup Campus, as well as employee representative from Campus Service, and the Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs.

The Committee meets four times a year, and secretariat services are provided by the Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs.