Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Chemical and Bio Engineering


Would you like to lead the way in taking chemistry from the laboratory into production? As a chemical engineer it is your job to find out how a new product—such as a new drug—can be mass-produced economically and with as little environmental impact as possible. Companies around the world are increasingly focusing on efficient production, optimal energy efficiency, high product quality and environmental considerations. This is where you can make a difference as a chemical engineer.

What will you learn?

In Chemical and Bio Engineering you learn to use foundational chemistry and biochemistry knowledge to solve interdisciplinary and technical issues. You learn to select appropriate analysis methods to understand a problem, and to use systematic and statistical methods to process the analysis results. You also learn how to use your chemical and biotechnical knowledge to develop sustainable technical solutions.

During the study programme you will learn to translate your knowledge into practice, and there are theme-based projects each semester that are often carried out in cooperation with Danish and foreign companies.

Study programme structure

As a Chemical and Bio Engineering student you will experience a form of teaching whereby project work is integrated into the theoretical subjects—chemistry, biotechnology and technical chemistry—and there is cohesion between the various subjects and projects each semester. During semesters 1 and 2 you will be introduced to the field of chemical engineering through project work, and work with concrete projects from companies.

During semesters 3 and 4 the technical subjects will be in focus. You will learn the basic principles of process design and work with biochemistry and biotechnology. You spend semester 5 doing an internship in a company, and in semesters 6 and 7 you tune your profile through electives. The study programme ends with your BEng project, which is often done in collaboration with a company.

Career opportunities

As a chemical engineer the whole world is your workplace and your field of work is a broad one, covering everything from operation and process development to product development, consultancy, inspection and management. You will also be able to work in project groups, and communicate your results—both verbally and in writing. Most chemical engineers work for chemical and biotech export companies or in the pharmaceutical industry. Some start their own companies, for example as consultants.