Climate technology

The Earth's climate is under pressure, and our society's sustainable transition is a burning issue. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is at its highest level in over two million years. Therefore, there is a need to develop a climate-friendly society based on knowledge and data.

Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix

The Danish Climate Act states that Danish greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 50-54% compared to 1990 levels by 2025, and we must be climate neutral by 2050.

At DTU, we collect climate data from space, on land and in aquatic environments. We monitor developments and use the data to calculate the state of the climate, predict disasters, and ensure that the solutions and technologies we work with are within the planet's tolerance limits.

We take rebound effects into account and work with sustainability by design. It requires collaboration and investment to develop the technologies that will help us reach our goals. DTU has a strong position in research in:

  • Space technology
  • Collection of climate data
  • Aquatic ressources and ecosystems
  • CO2 capture and storage
  • Transition to renewable energy sources
  • Power to X
  • Biosolutions

DTU's focus areas for the work with climate technology:

  • Collecting greenhouse gas data from terrestrial meteorological observation systems
  • Collecting data from aquatic ecosystems
  • Collection of climate data from space including: 
  • Calculations of resource consumption of e.g. freshwater resources and predictions of future climate disasters
  • CO2 uptake from trees and plankton
  • Measuring biomass and growth rates in forests 
  • Melting, observations from space, air and land in the Arctic and Antarctic
  • Analysis and calculation of economic, social and environmental impacts for climate policy development.
  • Integrated modeling of climate scenarios and calculation of socio-economic aspects of e.g. flooding.
  • Calculation of costs of establishing large-scale systems - including land use, risk economics and human impact.
  • DTU's Center for Absolute Sustainability develops models to calculate the absolute sustainability of products and our behavior based on the planet's resources and biophysical tolerance limits. The models show whether something is sustainable in an absolute sense and not just less environmentally damaging than the alternatives.
  • Mapping hidden environmental elements that can have ecotoxic effects when scaled up.
  • Technologies that can reduce CO2 emissions here and now through capture and storage
  • Energy technologies - wind, solar and batteries - that help increase the share of renewable energy
  • Power to X and accelerating material development for catalysts to deliver green chemicals and fuels
  • Biosolutions and microbial solutions in food, new materials, alternative fuels, biofilters and more 
With the Climate Challenge Laboratory, DTU has created a vibrant scientific powerhouse that can accommodate a significant research effort in new materials for Power-to-X technologies. There is a great need for new efficient, durable and globally scalable materials for sustainable processes that can harvest, convert and store electrical energy from renewable energy sources.
Christine Nellemann DTU Dean of Sustainability

What is absolute sustainability?

Picture from video
We find solutions, and then we work to bring them to life.
Professor Michael Z. Hauschild Centre of Absolute Sustainability, DTU
The DTU Centre for Absolute Sustainability brings a new focus to research: from what's less bad to what's good enough. We call it absolute sustainability. Absolute sustainability is assessed in relation to the Earth's total raw material resources and how much the planet can tolerate in terms of climate, biodiversity and chemical impacts. The center also focuses on the development and application of engineering solutions that can contribute to absolute sustainability.