Energy technology

The production of energy is one of the world's largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. To minimise the impact on the climate, oil, coal and gas must be replaced by green energy sources.

Established in 2001, Middelgrunden Wind Farm was the world's largest offshore wind farm at the time. The 20 wind turbines of 2MW each are located in a soft arc in the Øresund off Middelgrundsfortet near Copenhagen, Denmark.

Denmark is one of the countries where renewable energy sources already accounted for around 45% of energy production in 2022.

At DTU, we research how to optimise individual green energy sources such as wind, solar and bioenergy, as well as how the overall energy system can become more efficient through digitalisation and artificial intelligence

In 2021, solar and wind power covered 47.2 per cent of Danish electricity consumption

*Source: Energy and supply policy report 2022

DTU's experts in energy and utilities

Jacob Østergaard Professor, Head of Division Department of Wind and Energy Systems Mobile: +45 25130501

Jacob Østergaard is one of the country's leading researchers in future energy systems.

He is an expert in energy islands and has in-depth knowledge of both their potentials and challenges. For more than 15 years, Østergaard has used Bornholm as a living laboratory for energy, and he is a driving force in establishing Bornholm as a centre for offshore wind in the Baltic Sea.

Marie Münster Professor Department of Technology, Management and Economics Mobile: +45 23100284

Marie Münster focuses on sector coupling and renewable energy integration.

Her research revolves around how we can optimise investments in flexible energy systems with production of electricity, heat and Power-to-X and transmission between countries including energy islands.

Henrik Madsen Professor, Head of section Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Mobile: +45 20834304

Henrik Madsen is an expert in digitalisation in the energy sector.

He works with smart energy systems that connect the individual parts of the energy sector. This requires data and digitalisation to create a digital foundation for a safe, efficient and flexible green energy system.

Denmark currently has 17 established offshore wind farms

*Source: Danish Energy Agency, April 2024

Do you want to educate yourself in the field of energy

DTU is Denmark's largest engineering education centre with a wide range of degree programmes in the field of energy.

As a student, you have the opportunity to work closely with industry where you can apply your theoretical knowledge in practical contexts and with access to world-class research facilities.